If you’ve been accepting Visa or Mastercard in your business anytime between 2004 and early 2019 (essentially any business in the last 15 years), then you most likely received a notice about the class action antitrust lawsuit between merchants and cardmember brands.
The court found that merchants (you!) overpaid interchange fees because Visa and Mastercard violated antitrust laws and ordered a preliminary settlement of $5.54-$6.24 billion for merchants who accepted Visa and Mastercard from January 1st, 2004 to January 25th, 2019.
In other words, you have the opportunity to get paid back what you overpaid in interchange fees over the last 15 years if you submit your claim before May 31, 2024.
Our firm has been protecting business and their owners in litigation and arbitration since 2004. We have an international team hailing from four continents with a diversity of languages. We focus on business matters such as partnership disputes, noncompetes, corporate litigation, real estate, breach of contract and financial fraud. In 2020, the firm was renamed Barakat + Bossa after a merger between Brian Barakat & Giacomo Bossa. Brian Barakat is a former white-collar prosecutor, providing the firm a unique perspective on resolving business disputes swiftly, efficiently and without disruption to your business. Giacomo Bossa is a modern business attorney capable of supporting clients equally in the courtroom and the conference room. Both partners bring a creative, wide-ranging approach to solving legal issues and providing effective counsel for clients. They met as opposing counsel and today are partners – we can think of no greater testament to their skills.
Some companies may offer Settlement Class to help you file their Claim Form in exchange for a portion of their recovery from the Settlement. While Settlement Class may choose to use such companies, they can file them with the Claims Administrator on their own, free of charge. Additionally, they are entitled to contact the Claims Administrator or Rule 23(b)(3) Class Counsel for assistance with understanding and filing their Claim Forms at no cost. Prior orders of the Court regarding third-party claims filing companies are available for review on the case website.