We have extensive expertise in Merchant Processing issues and can advise and represent your interests in these areas:
We understand the industry and keep ahead of the trends and changes that can affect your ability to operate and grow. We’re experienced with handling merchant agreements, payment facilitator and service provider obligations. You can rely on Barakat + Bossa to guide you through the complicated regulations and licensing requirements for currency transactions at every level.
Our team reviews and negotiates merchant agreement terms, conditions and fee arrangements to help you get the most out of your business arrangements.
Ask about how we can help with solutions for high-risk merchants. Our foundation and training as trial attorneys gives us an advantage in helping with ISOs, and exposure for high-risk activities like online pharmacy, tobacco and MMJ.
Additional services include providing ISOs and banks with BIN transfers, deconversions and select merchant transfer issues.
For a PDF brochure of the above details about Merchant Processing, click the download button below.
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